We proudly present!

James Suckling´s amazing scores for our six single vineyards 2019

⭐️ 3 x 98 points ⭐️

⭐️ 2 x 97 points ⭐️

⭐️ 1 x 96 points ⭐️


NOW AVAILABLE: Erste Lagen 2016

A mild winter was followed by a dry March. April brought extreme changes in weather conditions, with an unexpected, abrupt late frost, which has affected the yield of many Grüner Veltliner vines. The summer months were generally quite humid, with periods of heat spells combined with much rainfall. Therefore we were very busy in our vineyards. September was sunny and warm, with cooler nights coming more towards the end of the month, which helped to retain the aromas in the grapes. The 2016 wines show an abundance of fruit characters and are generous in aromas and taste. Good complexity with refreshing acidity and length.

The 2016 vintage of Renner Grüner Veltliner, Gaisberg Grüner Veltliner, Grub Grüner Veltliner, Lamm Grüner Veltliner Gaisberg Riesling and Heiligenstein Riesling is now available!

NOW AVAILABLE: Vintage 2016

A mild winter was followed by a dry March. April brought extreme changes in weather conditions, with an unexpected, abrupt late frost, which has affected the yield of many Grüner Veltliner vines. The summer months were generally quite humid, with periods of heat spells combined with much rainfall. Therefore we were very busy in our vineyards. September was sunny and warm, with cooler nights coming more towards the end of the month, which helped to retain the aromas in the grapes. The 2016 wines show an abundance of fruit characters and are generous in aromas and taste. Good complexity with refreshing acidity and length.

The Hirschvergnügen Grüner Veltliner 2016, Kammern Grüner Veltliner 2016 and Zöbing Riesling 2016 are now available!

„Gruner“ goes America

30. Juni 2016, „The New York Times“ mag Hirsch

Eric Asimov zählt zu den profiliertesten Weinexperten der USA und empfiehlt seinen
Lesern unseren Kammerner Heiligenstein Grüner Veltliner 2014 – we are very proud!  LESEN SIE MEHR …

Viel Lob vom legendären „Flatiron Winestore“, Manhattan, New York City

Die Schönheit gereifter Weine – unser Lieblingsthema – schätzen immer mehr Weinliebhaber. Kürzlich wurden am Broadway unsere Lagen-Weine bis ins Jahr 2013 verkostet. LESEN SIE MEHR …

Into the decanter

Take just a little time…

If you wish to enjoy our HIRSCH wines at their very best, please take the time to open your bottle well in advance and carefully decant the wine into a ZALTO carafe.



Dear Friends and Customers,

this page is unfortunately only in German available, as these events are primarily of local interest.
Feel free to ask any questions: info@weingut-hirsch.at